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Lucky's Blog

This blog has been created to keep our customers, partners and friends up to date with pertinent information relating to our industry, technical or otherwise. It will also keep everyone up to date with M.C. Dean's ever expanding capabilities. Thanks to all my followers and I hope you find this blog both helpfull and informative. Best Regards: Lucky Drake

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I have been tasked with some pretty challenging goals this year, and have been finding things to be much harder to implement than I originally thought. It seems that people don’t take well to change. Go figure, right? No one likes change, but change is good. In fact, change is responsible for constructing our greatest memories.

Driving into work today I was thinking about some of my past experiences. You know, kind of trying to figure out how I got myself into my current situation. I, myself, was battling change but didn’t even realize it. I was reminiscing about past companies and projects, where everything seemed great. I missed the ease of those efforts, and the comradery that was built amongst those teams. Deep down I knew that we had our challenges and conflicts, but the mind has a funny way of blocking out the bad things and only remembering the good times. It’s ironic that my main complaint with this new task has been that everyone continues to fight change, and yet, here I am doing the same thing. It is so easy to get into that “remember when” phase, how everything was so perfect before, a virtual utopia.

The truth is that life is based on experiences. The fondest memories one will have is their first time experiences. Think about it. Your first love, your first date, your first kiss, the first time you drove a car, and how about the first time you went on a vacation. These are all examples of great memories that people hold dear.

What I realized on my way into work today is the same holds true at work. Most everyone can remember their first job, their first raise, their first promotion, etc... When I started to analyze the experiences I was reflecting on, I started to see a pattern. They were all comprised of first experiences.

Life is filled with firsts and we should embrace them. If you think about it, firsts can’t exist without change. In fact; change is the catalyst that causes first experiences to happen. So embrace change, embrace the now, chances are that later in life, you’ll be reflecting back on these times and thinking, why can’t things be like they used to be?

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